Join us at the Road to Independence Gala on Friday, May 13, at 6:30 p.m. to celebrate the incredible journeys of the families you’ve helped become stable and self-sufficient, and to honor 2016 community award winners J. Hamilton Lambert and Karen Schaufeld. The evening starts with a silent auction, drinks bar and networking, followed by dinner, client testimonials and awards. We hope to be able to thank you for your support at this festive evening.
Thank You to Our Amazing Volunteers!
National Volunteer Week recognizes volunteers for their outstanding contributions, celebrates volunteerism and inspires others to volunteer. NVFS kicked off the week with a celebratory Gratitude Grille event, compliments of Cabot Creamery Cooperative who made fresh grilled cheese sandwiches for nearly 100 NVFS volunteers. The event was also an opportunity to present the annual NVFS volunteer awards. Congratulations to Mike and Coralee Tervo, Lynda Spencer and the Bailey’s Shelter Hypothermia Faith Partner Hosts!
That same weekend, NVFS’ group of Certified Application Counselors (CACs) — who help their uninsured neighbors navigate the process of obtaining an optimal plan under the Affordable Care Act — enjoyed a small, special appreciation event. They were thrilled when U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly stopped by to offer his personal thanks and support for their work. Thank you, CACs!
“Without Healthy Families’ Support, My Son Would Have Stayed Bowlegged”
Reina, a Healthy Families participant, shares how Healthy Families has given her son a chance at a brighter future.
CARE Awards: Is Your Company a “Best Place to Work”?
At the recent CARE Launch event — an info session for the CARE Awards — business leaders shared their perspectives on employee engagement and creating “a best place to work.” They also tied these components to the financial success of a company, especially as it relates to attrition, productivity and profits.
Does your workplace provide great work-life balance, awesome benefits and an excellent culture? Your company can apply for a chance to be recognized as a CARE Award winner. Applications are due on May 18, 2016.
4 Simple Ways to Help Your Neighbors
From pillows to peanut butter, our programs need your help to provide food, shelter and support throughout the Northern Virginia community. Here are four ways you can immediately help your neighbors improve their lives and family circumstances.
Chase Poverty Out of Town!
5K Run & Walk for SERVE
You can run or walk! All proceeds from this certified 5K on Saturday, April 30, at 9 a.m. in Manassas will benefit the SERVE Campus. Registration is $40; children 10 and under participate for free.
Autobahn Indoor Speedway Grand Opening to Benefit SERVE
Autobahn Indoor Speedway will celebrate the Grand Opening of its Manassas location on Wednesday, May 11 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and 50% of all Grand Opening revenue will support the SERVE Campus!
The Speedway features all-electric pro-karts reaching speeds of up to 50 mph, with junior karts available for kids 8 and older. The 40,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility is the largest indoor karting facility in Virginia! Join us for games, racing specials, prizes, and all sorts of fun.
Thank you for investing in families and strengthening communities.
Northern Virginia Family Service 3110 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 500, Falls Church, VA 22042
“More people should volunteer. The real reward of volunteering is showing up and being involved with the clients, learning that they are just like anybody else you come in contact with.”