Your Sponsorship Will Transform a Child’s Future
Even though the start of school seems far away, you can ensure that the future leaders of tomorrow are geared up with the supplies and inspiration they need when the first bell rings so they can walk confidently, smile wider, and dream bigger. Thank you for partnering with us to level up the next generation of scientists, teachers, artists, and explorers.
Please note, should contributions to our Back2School Drive exceed our budgeted need, gifts will be directed to where they are needed most: To help children and families living in poverty throughout Northern Virginia.
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Back2School Contact Info
Jessica Warren / 571.748.2671
Please make checks payable to NVFS with B2S in the memo line and mail to:
Northern Virginia Family Service
Attn: Back2School
4090 Gateway Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
for SPONSORSHIPS Through Donor-Advised Funds: