CARE Awards Evaluation Process
Applicants are evaluated on the quality and scope of their policies and programs as it relates to community engagement; employee wellbeing and culture; talent development; employee engagement; and flexible work environment.
In addition to reviewing the policies that are in place, the CARE Nominating Committee evaluates how companies publicize their programs and how easily accessible they are to employees. Less tangible, but perhaps even more important, is the company philosophy and culture. The Committee wants to learn why the company instituted these policies and how they fit into the overall goals of the organization. Finalists will be selected based on cumulative scoring of written application, employee survey, and site visit.
Learn more about how the 2023 CARE-ing companies are creating a supportive, inclusive, and enjoyable atmosphere where employees and businesses are poised to thrive:
Learn who is on the current CARE Awards Committees.
Learn more about the more than 30-year history of the CARE Awards.
1. CARE Awards applications are evaluated by the CARE Awards Nominations Committee.
2. Finalists are asked to administer a web-based survey to a random sampling of their DC Metro Region-based employees, and a 30 percent response rate is required to remain in consideration. (Participant names remain confidential.) Other employee surveys cannot be substituted. The results supplement the findings of the Committee during the site visit. Each organization selected to participate will receive a copy of their survey results.
3. Finalists may participate in a site visit in order to gain further insight into the companies’ programs and cultures. The Nominating Committee will speak with company representatives and conduct interviews across employee levels; from entry-level to senior management. The site visit’s goal is to determine whether company policies truly respond to its workforce’s needs, that the policies are freely utilized and that leadership supports the creation of a flexible workplace. In addition to confirming the information provided in the application, the site visit allows the Committee more insight into the company culture.
4. The Nominating Committee makes its recommendations in a report to the CARE Advisory Committee.
5. The Advisory Committee makes a final decision on the award winners.
The CARE Nominating Committee, comprised of business leaders, human resources professionals, and former CARE winners, work throughout the summer and early fall to determine winners. The process will culminate with the announcement and presentation of the awards at the annual CARE Awards Event, which will take place on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
3:30pm – 5:30pm
Hilton, McLean Tysons Corner
Innovation Gallery
Sara Kreitzer
Vice President, Development / 571.748.2560